Circulation Department

This blog is dedicated to the circulation department activities of the Osterhout Free Library

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Vacation Loan...Have A Nice Trip

The Osterhout Free Library hopes you'll include books and other library materials in your travel plans this summer. Our VACATION LOAN option makes worrying about deadlines disappear! When you're checking out at the Circulation Desk, just ask the clerk for a vacation loan and let them know how long you'll need the materials for. All books, CDs, and audiobooks can be taken out on extended loan EXCEPT:
  • NEW titles can only be checked out for the regular loan period.
  • DVDs and VIDEOs can only be checked out for a week (as usual).
So wherever this summer finds you--at the lake, the shore, visiting relatives in far-flung locales, or exploring a new city--take along a book to relax with, an audiobook to make the auto trip more interesting, or an armload of children's books to keep the kids amused and learning at the same time. (This program is available for any vacations year-round--just ask!)


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