Circulation Department

This blog is dedicated to the circulation department activities of the Osterhout Free Library

Monday, March 13, 2006

TLC Book Club presents Dave King

Where will you be at 7pm on Thursday, March 30? Hopefully you'll be sitting in the audience at Wyoming Seminary's Stettler Learning Center on Sprague Avenue in Kingston. The TLC bookclub, a joint effort of the Tudor Bookshop (Wyoming Ave, Kingston) and the Times Leader, will sponsor yet another author's visit to our area. How often have you discussed a book WITH the author? Now is your chance.
This time that book is The Ha-Ha. The book's author, Dave King, currently residing in Brooklyn, has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. This, his first novel, is a deeply moving story about the cost of war and the value of human connection. The book's central figure, after a blow to his head during his stint in the army, has not spoken for 30 years. Howard Kapostash is viewed as disturbed because he cannot communicate with others, but in reality he is same person inside. His high school sweetheart, now a single mom, needs his help to care for her 9 year-old son while she is in rehab. How will Howard face the world he has isolated himself from all these years? Read the book and discover what path everyone takes. Then discuss your impressions with other readers and the author himself.
The Tudor's Lynn Gonchar provides each public library in the Luzerne County Library System with a copy of each selected book. So borrow the book from the Osterhout, buy it from the Tudor at 20% off, or get one that night and Dave will autograph it for you. Join us for a special evening, where readers, authors, books, and thoughts are joined.


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