Circulation Department

This blog is dedicated to the circulation department activities of the Osterhout Free Library

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Looking for a new or better job?
A good resume is the key to landing an interview! And did you know the first 4 minutes of a job interview are the most critical?

Please join us on
Thursday, April 20,
at the Osterhout Library for two 1-hour programs:
  • Developing a Knock-Out Resume (1:30-2:30)
  • Interview for Success (2:30-3:30).

    Dr. Joan M. Blewitt, of King's College, will pack all the essentials into two powerful presentations. Learn how to beef-up your resume's style and content, how to handle electronic resumes, and how to market yourself effectively to employers. Learn about dressing for success, how to answer commonly-asked questions, and tips regarding the latest interview techniques.
  • Dr. Blewitt's know-how can help you on your way to an exciting new career.
    Please register by calling 823-0156, ext. 214.
(You need a library card to participate, but you can get one free on the spot. It only takes a few minutes, and all you need is ID with proof of current address.)


Saturday, April 1, starting at 10am...
Community Health Resource Fair for the local Hispanic community.
You are invited to the the campus of King's College, Wilkes-Barre
Parente Life Sciences Center,
on the corner of North River and West Jackson Streets.

There will be
  • free child care
  • door prizes
  • health care agencies
  • health care screenings
  • review of school-age children's vaccination records.
  • Osterhout Free Library will be there!

RAFFLE TICKETS--Get yours now!

When you're checking out books at the circulation desk, why not buy a raffle ticket? From now until the end of April, we'll be selling the tickets as part of a fabulous fundraiser leading up the annual AuthorFest.

Tickets are $2 each. There are 111 prizes being offered from a variety of area businesses. All the prizes are listed on the ticket.

  • It takes only a moment to fill out the bottom,
  • you keep the top,
  • the LIBRARY KEEPS ALL THE PROCEEDS from the sale of the tickets.

Drawing will be held on April 30, and you don't need to be present to WIN!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Read & Discuss The Natural

One Valley, One Book. Leadership Wilkes-Barre has chosen the book The Natural, by Bernard Malamud, as this year's topic of discussion. Everyone in Wyoming Valley is invited to read the book, discuss it together, and view the movie. In fact, there are still FREE copies of the book available at the Osterhout Library, so just stop in and ask for one.

Come to the Osterhout Library this Thursday, March 23, from 6:30-8 pm to share your own views of the book with other readers (call 821-1959 to register).
Also plan on attending a screening of the Robert Redford film version at Wilkes University on April 2.

Monday, March 13, 2006

TLC Book Club presents Dave King

Where will you be at 7pm on Thursday, March 30? Hopefully you'll be sitting in the audience at Wyoming Seminary's Stettler Learning Center on Sprague Avenue in Kingston. The TLC bookclub, a joint effort of the Tudor Bookshop (Wyoming Ave, Kingston) and the Times Leader, will sponsor yet another author's visit to our area. How often have you discussed a book WITH the author? Now is your chance.
This time that book is The Ha-Ha. The book's author, Dave King, currently residing in Brooklyn, has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. This, his first novel, is a deeply moving story about the cost of war and the value of human connection. The book's central figure, after a blow to his head during his stint in the army, has not spoken for 30 years. Howard Kapostash is viewed as disturbed because he cannot communicate with others, but in reality he is same person inside. His high school sweetheart, now a single mom, needs his help to care for her 9 year-old son while she is in rehab. How will Howard face the world he has isolated himself from all these years? Read the book and discover what path everyone takes. Then discuss your impressions with other readers and the author himself.
The Tudor's Lynn Gonchar provides each public library in the Luzerne County Library System with a copy of each selected book. So borrow the book from the Osterhout, buy it from the Tudor at 20% off, or get one that night and Dave will autograph it for you. Join us for a special evening, where readers, authors, books, and thoughts are joined.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

St. Patrick's Day Parade, W-B

When the parade goes marching by on March 12, don't miss the Osterhout Free Library float! (And be sure to get one of the gold tickets we'll be dispensing. You can redeem it for a prize at out April 8 Fun Fest. Check back for more info!) Be sure to come out for the annual parade in downtown Wilkes-Barre, which will feature something for everyone, young and old, from fire trucks to brass bands.

The library is for everyone, too. We have books of every description: just pictures for babies; easy sentences for young readers; biographies for high school term papers; shelves of fascinating mysteries to keep you on the edge of your seat; cookbooks, home improvement manuals, and Spanish-language books for hands-on learners; and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Our parade of books is year-round, with everyone invited to join the excitement.


Parking in downtown Wilkes-Barre can often be a challenge. Patrons of the Osterhout Free Library are welcome to park in the Boscov's Department Store parkade for 1 free hour. Just present your ticket at the Circulation Desk before you leave and we will stamp it for you. You don't have to check out anything, but we hope you'll have a book, CD, or movie when you walk out the door!

Saturday, March 04, 2006


For those of you who like to see the new additions to the collection, we have created space for just those items. When you come into the library and turn left you always found the new books, both fiction and non-fiction on the front shelves for the videos. You will now notice that we have gotton rid of many older video titles and replaced some in dvd format. We have started purchasing more paperback books and have them on display and also on the now available shelving, you will see the new disc books that have been added. Very soon you will also find some new children's and young adult titles. This repositioning puts all the new material at your fingertips for your convienence.

We have added some great new disc books by authors you all know. Some are pictured below. Come in, check out the NEW section and let us know if you like it.