Circulation Department

This blog is dedicated to the circulation department activities of the Osterhout Free Library

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Win an MP3 Player

The Osterhout Library and its Branches are having a contest to win an MP3 player. The reason we are doing this is to aquaint our patrons with the new downloadable audiobooks service that was written about earlier. All you have to do it go to our web page at and click on the downloadable books icon. On the right hand side there is a phrase e-audiobooks. Click on that and look through the list of the 1500 plus titles. Write down 2 of the titles that you would use, put your name and phone number on that paper and bring it into the library. Hand it in at the Circulation Desk at any of the 4 Osterhout sites. the drawing will be held on October 2nd so hurry up and take a look now. It couldn't be easier and you just might win.

I am sorry that we haven't update information here in a while. We have had some staff changes and time has just flown by. Some good news is that Ed Lupico, who is working on his Masters in Library Science, has been appointed Director of the Plymout Public Library. Way to go, Ed! Good luck and we will miss you. Ed had been doing a great job on this blog. He will be a hard act to follow.

We also lost Molly Rusak who returned to college this fall. Mary Sherman and Sara Katrenicz have started at the circulation desk and have been fast learners. Please stop in and welcome Mary and Sara. I know they would love to meet everyone.