Circulation Department

This blog is dedicated to the circulation department activities of the Osterhout Free Library

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Don't forget MP3 players are not just for music. Put it on your shopping list for audio book lovers and they can enjoy downloadable books from the Osterhout web site. Once you are ready to download using your MP3 player go to our web site to find out the details of downloading. For those of you that already own an MP3 player take advantage of the many books you can download today.

If you want more out of your holiday than credit card debt, stop in the library and check out one of our many holiday books. Whether it's cooking, crafts, or a familiar Charles Dickens story that peaks your interest, we have a little bit of everything to add something extra to your holiday.

"Even if you are a bibliophile, there is a good chance that you have never heard of the "gift book" fad that swept England and the United States in the second quarter of the nineteenth century. It played an important role in the development of the Christmas we know today."-from Inventing Christmas How Our Holiday CameTo Be by Jock Elliot

Joy Through the World by the U.S. Committee for UNICEF- A book of holiday celebrations of feasting and giving around the world including authentic recipes, menus, decorations, gifts, and toys to make.

Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris- A great book any time of the year. From the author of Naked and Me Talk Pretty One Day, a collection of six short humourous essays. This is a great read during your busy holiday season when your quality reading time may be taking a back burner.

Stop in and browse our holiday section.

New Faces at Osterhout Central

We have welcomed two new staff members to our circulation department. Maureen and Sabourah will be joining us part time starting this week.

Holiday Hours

Holiday Hours
Saturday, December 23rd - Closed
Sunday, December 24th - Closed
Monday, December 25th- Closed
Tuesday-Friday, December 26th-29th - 8:30-5:00
Saturday, December 30th - Closed
Sunday, December 31st - Closed
Monday, January 1st - Closed
We look foward to seeing you in the new year.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Spaghetti Dinner

Come support your stomach and the library by taking part in the Wilkes-Barre Rotary club's annual dinner. All of the proceeds go to the library.

Reasons to join us..
  1. Spaghetti. And not just spaghetti. You also get salad, bread, meatballs, dessert, and tea or coffee.
  2. You get all of this for only $6.00 for adults, $3.00 for children under 12.
  3. Take-outs are welcomed. You can relax on a Sunday. Your meal is made for you.
  4. You can purchase tickets at the door or come in to the library and purchase them.
  5. You are helping the library, which helps your community, which makes you a good person.

Join us at Genetti's in Wilkes-Barre on Sunday, November 12th- from 1-6pm.