Circulation Department

This blog is dedicated to the circulation department activities of the Osterhout Free Library

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


If you are a reader who is unable to come to the library due to illness or disability, this program is for you. Patrons may borrow books using a Postal Request Card purchased from the library. Cost for each card is 50 cents, and each one is used to request a specific title. The library will mail the book to you at no additional charge. It is your responsibility to return the book either through the mail (a mailing label is included with the book) or by dropping it off directly at the library.

Those interested in the program may call the library at 823-0156, ext. 214.

(Note: Patrons who would like to use this service for convenience alone may purchase Request Cards at 75 cents each.)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

RENEW your books from home!

If you are reading this blog on your home computer or any computer, you can renew any books you checked out of the Osterhout -- or any library in the Luzerne County Library System -- with a few clicks of the mouse!
Here's how:
  1. Go to
  4. Enter your name and the barcode number from the back of your library card.
  5. Click on DISPLAY RECORD for Person Named Above.
  6. Select # of Items Currently Checked Out.
  7. To renew, click in the box before each title you wish to renew.
  8. Click on Renew Selected Items. (Renew all the items at once by clicking RENEW ALL).
  9. The new due date will show.
Please note that you can only renew an item 2 times, EXCEPT for DVDs & VIDEOS which can only be renewed for 1 additional day. If the item cannot be renewed, the system will display a note. You can also use the online system to view HOLDS or FINES.
Give it a try!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

YES, it's tax time!

Still haven't done your taxes? Don't even have that form you need? Well, the Osterhout is here to save the day. The library will be open from 8:30-11:30 on Friday (April 14)...8:30 to 5 on Saturday(April 15)...8:30 to 8:30 on Monday (April 17) --the deadline is midnight!. So stop in for your 1040 forms & instruction booklets, PA forms and envelopes, Berkheimer sheets, and many other schedules, etc. (TAX TIP: Pick up a book to help you relax once the stuff's in the mail!)